Originally Written: May 31, 2009
Vol. 1, Issue 2
Hi Everybody,
Today I wanted to share with you how my evening went. Tonight we had youth team drill practice. We have a rodeo coming up this weekend and Nationals are coming up the end of June. I managed to stay on the horse and actually remembered all of the different moves in the drill. Needless to say I had a wonderful time and for a few hours forgot all about this horrible disease.
As you know, I suffer from severe Fibromyalgia. I have good days and I have bad days. Today was one of those good days. You couldn't tell the difference between a healthy person walking down the street or me! My passion since I was a little girl has always been horses. When I was young I collected the Breyer model horses because mom refused to let me put a pony in the back yard. Go figure!
Anyway, my son and I ride with a local drill team. Since my disease is so severe, I cannot ride on the drill team with the rest of the ladies. On good days I can ride in the parades and I can help out with ground support during competitions and rodeos. Where am I going with this? Well, since 2005 I've been trying to control my horse at a lope and still be able to walk the next day. I've managed to accomplish one of the two...guess which one! Unfortunately, it’s only during the warm season and only on days that my Fibromyalgia is in agreement. You all know that FMS has a mind of it’s own and what it decides to do ALWAYS takes lead role.
This year I have been asked to ride with the novice youth team in their competition this June. I was elated but cautiously optimistic. After explaining that there was a significant need to have a back up, just in case I was too weak on the day I needed to ride, I was told "No problem"! So, my life long dream may finally be coming true. Not only do I own a horse, I may actually be able to ride with the team in the drill. I will be filling in this weekend at a rodeo, since there are 3 riders that cannot attend. My first real live performance! I'm both excited and terrified at the same time. I'm sure I will be sore afterwards, but the more I ride, the less severe the pain is afterward.
It is very exciting for me and I hope that I can give others with this terrible disease hope that if they can find the right mix of medication and therapy, there lives don't have to be over.
I'm 41 years old. I refuse to let this disease end my hopes and dreams. Just because I may have to slow down and rest, I still have the God given right to dream and strive to reach the goals I have set for myself.
Have a blessed week everyone. Remember to be thankful for your health. We all don't have healthy strong bodies to lean on and even the strongest of people can have their health removed from them with one doctor’s visit. Don’t waste your good days! Rejoice in every day that you have and get out in the world and see God’s beauty! It’s all around you. All you have to do is open your eyes and your hearts and you will see the blessings that are there for you!
© Robynn “Bobbie” Dinse / Bobbie’s World Blogs
Please note that this short story is copyrighted and should not be reprinted in any form without permission from the author
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